What I've Learned from Tackling Technology

As I fully enter into the world of blogs, websites and emails I realize there is a certain technical aspect to all phases of the computer world.  I’ve had to learn new lingo and increase my knowledge of navigating through the internet.  At times it can seem almost daunting.

I learn a little more about website design.  Then I go on to gather more information about email and connecting account to account.  Just when I think I am getting the hang of all of this, something comes along that stubs my toe.  I go back and research only to find that I had goofed up something along the way.

This process reminded me of how I have come along in my horsemanship.  At first I heard a lot of jargon that went over my head or lost me altogether.  My eyes would glaze over as I look around to see if these words made sense to anyone else.  Some of the descriptions made sense, so I focused on those areas.

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 I would learn from mentors, how to bring along and support my horses.  What to do when certain "issues" came up.  Exercises for softening and suppling mind and body.  On my own I would practice these pieces of riding.  And practice.  And practice!

I started getting along better with my horses and setting up, what I thought, were key elements to proper riding.  I began to feel pretty good about how, and what I was doing.  

Then, I would make my way back to the horse Guru's, only to find that all along I had been doing things wrong.

After beating myself up for being so goofed up, I would begin to see how I could tweak what I had been doing to make more sense for me and my horses.

This scenario repeated itself time and time again. Frustrating?  

Definitely... for a while. The thing that changed over time was my view of how I got to the the desired results.  

I learned that if I had not been out practicing and working on my own, I would never have gotten to the level that I am at today.  Sure, I had made mistakes.  I had thought my ways to be correct only to have my methods questioned.  

Mistakes may seem like setbacks, but they are a key piece to understanding.  We gather information along the way.  

Slowly, it may seem at times, but in the end it adds up to quite a masterpiece.  The lingo comes - and the once geek speak, begins to make sense.

I will continue to hunt and peck my way around technology as my own masterpiece begins to form.  You too, press on.  We will get there.  

After all the journey is, at least, half the fun.

Happy Trails and Safe Riding!
